History of flocking


The history of flocking technology began around 3000 years ago. At that time, it was the Chinese who invented the original form of flocking. A resin glue was applied to textile substrates, onto which natural fibres were then scattered. The embellishment and visual enhancement of objects was the origin of flocking.

Middle Ages:

We find the first verified evidence of mechanical flocking in the 12th century. In a Nuremberg monastery, this technique was used to produce wall decorations with the help of wooden models and natural fibres crushed in a mortar. This technique fell into oblivion again for a long time.

Beginning of industrialization:

In the 19th century, flocking revived. This time, too, wallpaper was first produced for interior decoration, the "royal exclusivity" of which can still be admired today in many French chateaux. At the same time, with the discovery of electrostatics and the fact that particles can be moved with the help of electrical forces, the theoretical basis for electrostatic flocking was created.

The 20th century:

The first attempts to support mechanical flocking with electrostatics can be found in the 1930s, primarily in the USA. After the war, this technique also became established in Europe.

After German engineers succeeded in developing a system that works exclusively with DC voltage, the triumphant advance of electrostatic flocking began. All those involved - flock manufacturers, adhesive suppliers, machine builders and industrial companies - worked closely together to open up an ever wider field of applications for flocking.

Today electrostatic flocking is capable of finishing almost any surface with high-tech equipment and sophisticated materials, thus giving the substrate not only a better appearance but, what is often even more important today, additional properties.