The Flock Symposia
The Flock Symposia have become a tradition over recent decades, having taken place since the 70ties. It all started with seminars, which used to be, and still are, the meeting point of the flock industry to exchange information with colleagues and moreover, to talk about the latest developments.
The first Seminar took place 1973. Since 1976 the international Flock Symposia take place in a two year cycle. The first handbook, which included all lectures, was produced in 1975. Lending weight to the subject, the cover of the handbooks have been flocked since 2005. Until now the Symposia about flock and its technology has taken place 21 times. Many new developments of the industry were introduced and discussed there. The experts of the flock industry from Europe, America and Asia meet at this, the worlds biggest Flock-event. Languages are German and English with simultaneous translations.