Flock School 2025

Our popular FLOCK SCHOOL workshop took place again on 20nd and 21st February 2025. This time we were hosted by our member CHT Germany GmbH in Tübingen. We were delighted to welcome 13 participants from 4 different countries.  

The workshop takes place over 2 days, on the first day of the Flock School the theoretical basics of flocking were taught by our speakers. This year Beatrice Casati (CASATI FLOCK SRL) together with Andreas Fröhler (Flock Depot GmbH) spoke about the raw material flock, its differences and production. Jana Rehm, together with Günther Holzinger (CHT Germany GmbH), gave a very interesting presentation on the variety of adhesives and necessary pre-treatments. Small tests were also carried out with the participants. Andrea Levi (AIGLE MACCHINE SRL) explained the structure of the machines for processing and presented a wide range of possible applications. David Caro presented the entire flocking process in his lecture.  

As always, the practical part of our workshop took place on the second day. Here, all participants were able to try everything out for themselves in the flock laboratory. They applied adhesive using a squeegee and a spraying process. Then they flocked their own certificates with a hand flocking device and small glass vases.

It was another very successful event. We would like to thank the speakers for their presentations and expertise. We would like to express our special thanks to our member CHT Germany GmbH for the opportunity to do the Flock School on their premises and for the excellent catering. Thank you very much for that! 

We are looking forward to the next Flock School - this is expected to take place in 2027. Location and date to be announced.